Locally grown produce is often better for your overall health and wellness. Locally grown produce is often fresher than produce bought in a supermarket because it is picked and sold within a day or two. Most produce loses some of its nutrients within 24 hours, and when you buy it from the supermarket, it has been transported and may not make it to the shelf for a few days, sometimes even a week. Likewise, locally grown fruit is not sprayed with chemicals and pesticides because it does not need to be preserved while it is being transported from a location to the supermarket.
It’s always important to support the businesses in your local community as they are the livelihood of your neighborhood. Instead of buying produce from a supermarket that makes thousands of dollars a day, support your local farmers and buy produce that was grown down the street from your home. Instead of giving money to a supermarket that sells produce full of chemicals and pesticides, opt for locally grown produce the were produced using sustainable practices. Consider visiting local farmers’ markets and local farm stands to buy your fresh fruits and vegetables.
When you buy local produce, you are likely going to save yourself a significant amount of money. The actual price tag of produce may be the same as the supermarket price tag, however, you will get more for your money. Local farmers sell more of their produce at one time; and overtime this could ultimately save you hundreds of dollars.
Likewise, if the produce is in season, it is likely going to be cheaper than produce bought in the supermarket.
The next time you need produce, make it a point to stop by a local farm stand or a farmers’ market. The benefits of locally grown produce are too great to ignore, in fact, it begs the question, why wouldn’t you buy locally grown produce? Keep these tips in mind and never buy supermarket produce again.
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11 am - 6 pm
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